Thursday, May 12, 2016

Dress Rehearsal

Arts Track students were back on stage today preparing for the play performance of Charming! next Tuesday and the Talent Show next Friday.  Letters were sent home to parents and guardians this week with all performance times.

The play performance for the school will be Tuesday, May 17th at 2:15 PM in the CFHS Cafeteria.  All interested audience members are welcome to attend.

The talent show will be Friday, May 20th at 1:20 PM in the CFHS Cafeteria.  All interested audience members are welcome to attend.

Arts Track students will take one last field trip on Friday, May 27th, as they perform their play for Northside and Hope Elementary students in the morning.

Emily as Prince Charming

Curtain Call

Why won't the prince wake up?

Reba, Cierra, Zoe, and Eliska attempt to wake the prince

Davalynn has a plan

Niko gets the prince's help

Zoe welcomes her villagers

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Spokane Field Trip

Thanks to generous donations from Panhandle Alliance for Education (PAFE) and Showkidz!, the Arts Track (and several students from other tracks) was able to go for a field trip to Spokane on Thursday, May 5th.

The day started at the Museum of Arts and Culture (MAC) where students viewed several different exhibits.  The first was an exhibit showing how the museum puts together artifacts and displays.  The second was of Norma Bassett Hall's incredible printmaking.  Next was a display of the Nez Perce art of beading that was phenomenal, and the last was an interactive exhibit on buried treasure.

After a full morning at the museum, students and chaperones went to River Park Square for lunch and a bit of free time before heading over to the INB Performing Arts Center at 1:30 to watch the Broadway musical Newsies.  It was a spectacular show with jaw-dropping dancing and singing.

Next week brings the last rehearsal and preparation time for the play performance on the 17th and the talent show on the 20th.

Mathis tries his hand at cracking the safe in the Treasure exhibit

Leslie, Jane, Mathis, Jordan, Naomi, Sammy, and Allison pose in front of the giant chalkboard wall

Cierra sketches her favorite exhibit

Brian and Evan raise the Jolly Roger

Evan adds his mark to the wall

Bella pans for gold in the interactive exhibit hall

The students sitting outside the MAC in front of the beautiful wisteria

Thank you, Showkidz, for the fabulous opportunity!

Thank you, PAFE, for all you've done in supporting us this year!
Monique examines the hats

The Nez Perce Display


Students draw their favorite pieces

Before Newsies!