Students had their first taste of a new series of arts opportunities today. Spring semester of the Arts Track will focus on the performing arts in the morning (Ms. Palmer), with visual arts in the afternoon (Mrs. Lutzwolf).
It started with a lot of energy as our two guest teachers, Dr. Maras and Mrs. Gaddie, taught the basics of American Tribal Dance (ATD), a style of belly dancing. Students received Bindi (a decorative sticker to wear on their foreheads) to get in the spirit. Kids were hesitant at first, but quickly embraced the Arts Track motto of trying new things. They learned how to pivot, lead, follow, and the importance of dance to one's health. Did you know that dance can stave off dementia and physical ailments later in life? It is an art form that engages not only the body, but the mind, and ATD in particular gives a good overall workout. Dancers have to be ever vigilant of the leader's subtle moves as the dance style is choreographed sets of moves in an improvised presentation. A dancer may be a leader in one moment and a chorus member the next.
It was exciting to see students embrace new ideas and try something out of their comfort zones.
In the afternoon session, students started collage art using maps focused on the theme of "What does your future look like?" By using old maps as a base and adding imagery and color on top of it, students expressed ideas about their futures visually.
Mrs. Gaddie, a CFHS alumna, and Dr. Maras, a former CFHS staff member, demonstrate an ATD duet. |
Students learn to pivot and use their arms in this beautiful dance style. |
Emily and Zoe show off their Bindi decoration. |
Students learn some basic moves in ATD. |